
Paper Review - Ambit

Ambit: In-Memory Accelerator for Bulk Bitwise Operations Using Commodity DRAM Technology 🔗

Ambit is the first work that integrates support for bulk bitwise operations directly into a DRAM memory array, and achieved high throughput and efficiency.


  • First, there are three advantages of Ambit itself: (1) no bandwidth limit with in-memory computing; (2) no extra dram command and address management change; (3) keep the same DRAM-microarchitecture for all technologies.

  • Second, there are mainly two contributions beside proposing Ambit (cost and effi):

    1. It presents the industrial availability.
      • Ambit can be implemented with modest change to the DRAM design.
      • The work also proved the reliability of Ambit rigorously.
    2. It proves the better performance over both ideal and real-world applications.
  • It is not necessary to replace all common commodity DRAMs. Only replacing for the data-centric components is enough.

  • I really admire the detailed explanation towards DRAM, it would be the reference when I introduce thoes primitive DRAM commands to others.

  • Very good explanation towards how to make TRA work. It is rigorous enough to consider the five potential issues.


  • Measuring the modification cost is really important. What is modest change exactly? It would be better if there is more discussion over the modification over common DRAM.

  • The three real-applications still seems a bit specific. Could we come up with even more commonly used cases? In other words, are bitwise operations really that frequently used?

  • Is there any application scene that bit operations are used not in "bit-xxx" functions?

  • Ambit still need new ISA support, and consequently new compiler support, which is not convenient to be applied.

  • The implementation part is not clear (at least for me), how to modify the DRAM physically to implement those functions.

Can you do better?

  • I would explain why use these three bool operation, and-or-not. Is it the optimal combination to reach full-logic? Why don't use xand-xor-not? I would do some bool computation and prove it.

  • I think there is still too many modifications to make it support ambit: rigorous, but annoying. I dont have better ideas, but I would like to try explaning this weakness.

Other Comments

This paper smoothly presents the motivation, methods, potential issues and respect solutions to build Ambit. It really tells a good story and it seemed like a wonderful journey to read this paper.